Volunteer Committees
Chaperones – Assist Chaperone Chairman by chaperoning students to and from football games, competitions and other events throughout the school year. This is a year-long need, not just during marching season. The Chairman will be responsible for assigning necessary chaperones and transportation requirements for each event throughout the year and will ensure chaperones are helping where needed during each game, event, etc. Chaperones should always be actively chaperoning students, assisting where needed, or in any other capacity requested by the Directors during each event. Please notify the Chairperson if you are unable to lift heavy items or assist with props as chaperones are often needed to help move props. The Chairperson should be available for all events and communicate to the board if you are unable to attend an event.
Corporate Fundraising – Assist the Committee Chair by contacting businesses and corporations to raise money to donate to the band.
First Aid – Maintain the first aid kits and provide medical care to students when needed.
Fundraising – Assist the VP of Fundraising with fundraising events like March-a-Thon, Silent Auction, Calendar Fundraiser, Spaghetti Dinner, etc.
ColorGuard – Help the ColorGuard Chairperson with making flags and maintaining and cleaning costumes.
HEB Events – Assist the Committee Chairperson with HEB district activities, including HEB Marching Contest, Drumline Contest/Clinic and UIL Contest.
Hospitality – Assist the Hospitality Chairperson in organizing refreshments at various events throughout the year including: winter and spring concerts, family picnic, arranging and distributing meals on contest days, football games, and competitions.
Media – Assist the Digital Media Chairperson with taking pictures of events as well as helping maintain the digital media website, currently SmugMug. Responsible for being liaison with Game Program, HEB Website, Trinity Yearbook Staff, Band Website and Directors’ needs.
Pit Crew – Assist the Chairperson with transportation, driving the equipment trucks to various events as well as assisting the students with loading and unloading the trucks, on/off field movement and maintenance of Percussion Front Ensemble instruments and equipment before, during and after events. Coordinate with other chairpersons when other items need to be loaded on trucks. Chairperson will generate the list of equipment volunteers, assign drivers, send communications to keep volunteers informed, coordinate volunteers to move stands, sound and percussion equipment on/off the field during events and work with directors to manage equipment repair needs throughout the year.
Props – Assist the Chairperson with creating/building the props needed for shows and performances.
Spirit Wear – Assist in helping the VP of Fundraising sell spirit wear at football games, booster meetings, competitions, etc.
Uniforms – Assist in helping the Uniform Chairperson maintain the uniforms. Help with measuring, distributing, cleaning, maintaining and storing uniform items. Help at contests and supervise dressing rooms on game and contest days.
Water Crew – Assist the Chairperson with procurement, transportation and distribution of water for all band performances.
Raptor (formerly VIPS)
All volunteers are asked to complete a background check and log your volunteer hours in Raptor.
Click here to complete your background check: https://www.hebisd.edu/departments/vips-volunteers/volunteer-application-sign-up-form-vips-program
Click here to log your hours in Raptor: https://apps.raptortech.com/Volunteer/Login/Nzg1OTpWb2x1bnRlZXI6ZW4tVVM=
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